Smart Shissel™ Set



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The Smart Shissel™ is the original SPILL-PROOF, SELF-COVERING netilas yedayim shachris hand washing bowl Includes matching cup.

UncleMoishy Toothbrush


With every Kosher Innovations purchase, you can add the Uncle Moishy Weekday Toothbrush 4-Pack
to your order for the unbeatable price of just $3.50 (that is 50% off).


The no-spill self-covering double-walled Negel Vasser. Includes matching cup

Wash your hands as usual. The water drains into the water-tight chamber and WON’T SPILL OUT, even if the bowl gets turned over. Lightweight, with easy-carry handles, this bowl was specially designed to allow for easy carrying and stacking. To empty used water simply open the child-safe plug and pour out the water. Be sure to reinsert the plug before the next use.

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