Smart Shissel™
The “Smart Shissel™” is the original spill-proof, self-covering netilas yedayim shachris handwashing bowl.
No spills! When tipped upside down, water remains securely inside the inner bowl. The Smart Shissel™ patent features a one-way drain that traps water inside, keeping it covered and spill-proof. This clever double-bowl design includes a one-way hole where water drains into the lower second bowl and cannot return. Even if knocked over or flipped upside-down, water stays contained inside.
Perfect for Adults & Children
- Tomei water is fully covered after washing
- Carry the bowl without spilling
- Open the plug to pour out used water
- Encourage your children to wash without worrying about spills or mess
- After washing, water flows to the lower bowl and children won’t play in used water
- Children can’t spill water all over themselves, the carpet, the furniture, or dunk their toys in it
How to Use
Wash your hands as usual. The water drains into the water-tight chamber and WON’T SPILL OUT, even if the bowl gets turned over.
Light weight, with easy-carry handles, this bowl was specially designed to allow for easy carrying and stacking.
How to Empty Used Water:
- Simply open the child-safe plug and pour out the water. Be sure to reinsert the plug before next use.
NOTE: This is a single person bowl and is only SPILL PROOF with one standard size hand-washing cup (one liter).
How to Clean
- Cleaning inside instructions: fill 1/10 of the smart shissel cup with bleach and 9/10 water. Pour in during the day and let sit until night, emptying when getting ready for bed, before setting water for the morning.
Rabbinical Approvals
The following rabbonim were shown the smart shissel and have given their approval:
- Harav Yechiel Michel Steinmetz, Shlita (Khal Toldos Yaakov Yosef D’Chasidei Square of Brooklyn)
- Harav Yechezkel Roth, Ztz”l (Karlsburg)
- Harav Dovid Schochet, A’H (Chabad Lubavitch)
- Harav Chaim Yisroel Belsky, Ztz”l (Rosh Yeshivas Torah V’Daas, Senior Posek OU)
Halachic Advantages
By eliminating the worries of spills and accidental exposure to used hand-washing water (ruach ra), the Smart Shissel was designed to make washing next to the bed (as paskened by Mishnah Berura, Shulchan Aruch HaRav and others) easier and more convenient than ever before. Additionally, by automatically providing a halachic cover for the used water, the Smart Shissel allows for easy compliance with the hiddur of many Gedolei Torah and Poskim, not to learn Torah or say Devarim Shebakedusha in front of used netilas yadayim water, thereby elevating everybody’s netila to a mitzva of mehadrin min hamehadrin
Introduction to the Smart Shissel™
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