Frequently Asked Questions

- Step One: Check if your Light Bulb is burned out or otherwise not functioning properly. If you have another KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp handy with a working bulb, switch the bulb from the working one to the non-functioning one and see if it works. Or you can get another bulb. For a replacement CFL: get one that’s 15 watts or less; for an LED, use 9 watts or less but it must be a size A15 or A17 bulb. (See below)
- If you have The KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp MAX: If changing the bulb doesn’t work (and you have verified the bulb works in a different lamp) take a look at the on/off switch on the cord. On the reverse side of the switch box are two little screws. Sometimes, if those screws get loose they can affect the performance of your KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp. The switch acts as a bridge between the two lengths of power cord. When the switch is pressed to the On position, it connects the two wires and turns on the light. Sometimes the wire inside the switch box can get pulled away from the switch so there is a big gap and the switch can’t reach the wire. When this happens, you can push the wire back in place so the switch can connect the two wires and complete the circuit: ►Tighten one screw while lightly pushing the cord in towards the center of the switch box. Then push the other side of the cord in towards the center of the switch box while tightening the second screw. If you have tried the above and it still isn’t working properly please contact us.
- NOTE: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL Bulbs) are safe when used properly. Never use a lamp that has a broken CFL bulb in it. It is a fire hazard. This is the case with all CFL bulbs. In the event your KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp falls, ensure that the bulb is intact before using. Because all CFL bulbs contain mercury, please carefully follow the instructions from the EPA or Energy Star to safely dispose the broken bulb. As these organizations are always updating their instructions, please find their directions here:
ENERGY STAR FAQ for handling and disposal instructions.
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)- What to do if a CFL bulb breaks.
First, follow the directions of the EPA or EnergyStar as shown in the yellow box above, as all CFL bulbs contain mercury. The type of bulb required for The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamps are called Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL) or Energy Saving Bulbs. This type of light bulb is not being produced and used as much as in the past. They have been replaced by LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs, which are more efficient and do not contain mercury.
You can buy some extra bulbs and use them in your regular light fixtures too. You will save lots of money because they use beteween 75% and 85% less electricity than standard incandescent light bulbs. See EnergyStar‘s website for more information.
For The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp MAX:
You have two choices for replacement bulbs: Compact Flurescent and LED:
Compact Fluorescent Bulbs: Use a Compact Fluorescent Bulb (CFL) up to 15 Watts. If it is difficult to find a 15 Watt CFL bulb, you can use a 13 Watt CFL bulb. The new 13 watt CFL bulbs are more efficient and are equivalent in brightness to the older 15 Watt Compact Fluorescent Bulb. Because of this efficiency, fewer stores are carrying the 15 Watt bulbs.
LED Bulbs: Look for an A-17 or A-15 size bulb 9 Watts MAXIMUM.
PLEASE NOTE: The LED bulb must have a Maximum Diameter of 55mm (2.16″) or it will not fit in The KosherLamp™ MAX brand shabbos lamp
For the MUSHROOM KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp: We recommend using a 13 Watt CFL bulb.
Before replacing the bulb, check the sticker on The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp cord to see which wattage bulb you should use. Originally, the Classic KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp used only 13 Watt CFL bulbs. Newer models, such as The KosherLamp™ MAX brand shabbos lamp allow you to use 15 Watt CFL bulbs. PLEASE CHECK THE STICKER ON THE CORD.
**If there is no information tags or stickers on your KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp, use a 13 Watt CFL bulb.**
We now sell our own KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp Light Bulbs. You don’t have to worry about which wattage to buy, these bulbs work in all The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamps. Just pick up The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp Light Bulb, sold at many Jewish stores in North America or available from our website.
You can also find similar light bulbs at all major hardware, home improvement and lighting stores. They come in a variety of shapes; coil and tubular, and a range of wattages so look at the labelling carefully.
You can save a lot of money on your electricity bill by using CFL bulbs. Perhaps consider using them for lights that you leave on for Shabbat. Here is a Fact Sheet about the kinds of savings you can achieve.
There are some LED bulbs that you can use in your KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp. The main concern is that it does not give off more heat than a 13 or 15 Watt CFL bulb. We recommend an LED bulb that is 9 Watts or less. Do not try an LED bulb with a higher wattage than 9 Watts. Look for an A-17 or A-15 size bulb
PLEASE NOTE: The LED bulb must have a Maximum Diameter of 55mm (2.16″) or it will not fit in a KosherLamp® MAX brand shabbos lamp.
If it is The KosherLamp® Travel brand shabbos lamp, the answer is Yes! Otherwise…No.
The KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamps with North American plugs and bulbs will not work in Israel because the voltage is different. We do not recommend using any transformers to make The KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamps compatible and any such use will void the warranty. Fortunately, we have produced The KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamps with the appropriate plugs and voltages for Israel, Europe, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia. Please see the list of distributors to get The KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp for the country you need.
Yes. Check our international distributor page and contact the one closest to you.
Go to our list of stores or browse the interactive map. Click here for the list and map
Click here to read the halacha section…
The KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp™ has been tested and approved by the Canadian and American Underwriter’s Laboratories. It also has received European CE approval. The KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp™ uses a patent-pending venting system which allows heat to escape while keeping the light inside. This is accomplished by using a high efficiency compact fluorescent bulb. The bulb gives off light equivalent to a 40w incandescent bulb, but with very little heat emitted. Also, the lamp is made from safe polyresin. NEVER USE A LAMP THAT HAS ANY COVER OVER THE BULB WITHOUT THE LAMP BEING APPROVED BY AN OFFICIAL STANDARDS ORGANIZATION WITH THE COVER “ON” THE LAMP!
NOTE: CFL Bulbs are safe when used properly. Never use a lamp that has a broken CFL bulb in it. It is a fire hazard. This is the case with all CFL bulbs. In the event your KosherLamp® brand shabbos lamp falls, ensure that the bulb is intact before using. Because all CFL bulbs contain mercury, please carefully follow the instructions from the EPA or Energy Star to safely dispose the broken bulb. As these organizations are always updating their instructions, please find their directions here:
We stand behind all of our products. If there is a problem, you can call us on the telephone. Please see the contact page on our website for details. We will try to determine if there is a solution to the problem over the telephone and will do our best to arrange a speedy resolution. Also, you can refer to our General Warranty Policy at the top of this page.
The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp™ has been safely tested for up to a month of uninterrupted use with the bulb on, and the shade in the “closed” position.
Most compact fluorescent bulbs of this type are rated at 10,000 hours. Because of the extra heat generated in the closed position, it will slightly shorten bulb life. When installed in a recessed can or totally enclosed fixture Philips rates the life of their bulb at 7,000 hours. Since The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp is vented and not totally enclosed, you should expect between 7,000 – 10,000 hours. (that’s up to seven years of Shabbosim!) If The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp is used only on Shabbos and Yom Tov you should expect years of use before having to replace the bulb.
The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp is a great gift. If you’d like to send it as a gift to anywhere in North America, simply fill in the information at the time of your order. You may also send as a gift to any country we are currently serving. Contact us or our distributors for more information.
Presently The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp is available in the 110V North American version, as well as 220v and 240v versions with matching plug and bulb for relevant countries. Click here for a list of countries and distributors. You can purchase 220v versions in a limited number of New York area stores such as Eichlers and Buzz Electronics.
Yes, The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp is available in many stores, please see our list of retailers or call for a location near you. The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp is also available via the internet … order here now or call our Toll Free telephone at 1-866-661-5483, In Toronto please call (416) 487-5483. For distributors in Europe, North America, Australia and Israel, click here.

KosherClock™ V3
Look at the triangular sides of the KosherClock3. Located the triangular side that does NOT have the K. It only has a bunch of holes. Press firmly with your thumb into that triangular side. It should push the KosherClock3 body out of the outer case. If you have difficulty with this, try standing a highlighter or small super-bouncy ball on a flat surface like a table. Then lower the triangular side mentioned above onto the marker/ball. Press firmly but carefully to open the KosherClock.
Try removing the batteries, waiting for ten seconds then re-installing them. If that doesn’t work, try a set of new, name-brand batteries.
Older models KosherClock™
Try replacing the batteries. Sometimes the batteries are worn down and have enough energy to power the LCD display but not the alarm sound. Just use 2 AAA batteries.
…and make sure that you have set your alarm to the appropriate part of the day. Check to be sure that you have set it to “AM” or “PM” correctly. The KosherClock shows a “P” when it is the PM/Afternoon. If it shows 24 hour time, just push the HOUR button to change it back to 12 hour time.
The KosherClock does not have a volume control for the default tone or recorded music for your alarm. However if you wish the recorded tone to be louder simply record your prefered music at a louder volume and the clock will play it at the recorded volume. Click Here for a sample pre-recorded niggun for your clock. Enjoy!
The KosherClock uses 2 AAA batteries. You can find and purchase them at any local convenience or hardware store.
Easy! Just re-record the melody yourself. Download this Niggun audio file, then do the following:
a) push the black switch on the side of the KosherClock to MSG
b) Hold the KosherClock up to the speakers of your computer
c) Press and hold REC on the KosherClock and play the Niggun using your computer
d) Do not let go of the REC button until the Niggun has finished playing
e) Press PLAY to hear how it worked
You can try this process with other music, using a tape recorder, CD player, MP3 player, etc…
There is a clear plastic covering with tabs holding the photo in place. Place your thumb on the clear plastic covering, on top of the head of the cute little boy. Apply some pressure and pull down with your thumb. The clear plastic covering will start to bend and can now be removed. Remove the photo and replace it with your own. The photo must be 2″ x 3″ in size.
To Replace:
Slide the tabs on the bottom of the plastic covering back into place onto the bottom of the left KosherClock frame. While keeping the bottom tabs in place, bend the plastic covering and fit the top tabs of the plastic covering back into the top frame.
No Problem! See below the PDF version instruction booklet
Your KosherClock uses 2 AAA batteries. They must be inserted in the correct direction in order for all functions to work properly. Each battery has a (+) symbol and a (-) symbol marked on it. Make sure that these symbols match the symbols marked on the back of the KosherClock. If the batteries aren’t inserted correctly, there is enough electricity generated to power the Time Display, but not the speakers for the alarms.

Bug Checker
BEFORE using the Bug Checker for the first time, you need to plug in the adapter to the Bug Checker and charge it for 12 hours. Make sure the unit is turned OFF while charging–you will know it is off because no white light is coming from the light board. The red light on the side will be lit. (For Bug Checker XL, the red light will turn on when charging and the green light will shine when fully charged)
If you still have a problem with the Bug Checker AFTER you have charged it for 10-12 hours, please call us. Click this link for our contact information.
Original (has one red indicator light on the side) Bug Checker Manual
Bug CheckerXL (newer has two indicator lights on the side; one is red, one is green) Bug CheckerXL Manual
You need to charge the battery. If this is the first time you are using the Bug Checker, please see Question #1, above). The Bug Checker is shipped partially charged but it works better if it is charged for a couple of hours first. If after some use, the light is too dim, plug in the battery charger that came with the Bug Checker unit for a couple of hours. The LED lights in the Bug Checker are designed to last over 10,000 hours.
1. COR: Produce Inspection Guide
2. Star-K Requirements For Vegetable Checking
3. Star-K Checking Lettuce Video
4. OU Checking Vegetables for Insects
5. Bug Checking Video:
People certainly do not need to check for bugs with our Bugchecker. I and my Rebbetzen have been checking the lettuce and other vegetables in our home without one for the past 25 years bli ayin hara. As you mention, you only have to check for what the average naked eye can see in proper sunlight. So, for example there is no need to use a magnifying glass. However I was taught by my poskim that I needed to hold the lettuce up to a kitchen window when the sun was shining, or to hold the lettuce up to the light of a bright fluorescent ceiling light so that the light would shine through the lettuce and I could easily detect the shadow of a bug with my naked eye.
Personally, when I was checking a lot of lettuce, my arms would ache from holding the leaves up to the light or up to the window. Sometimes, on a cloudy day, or at night there wasn’t enough or any light coming from the sun.
Our Bug Checker is simply a way to provide enough backlight to replace the kitchen window or using an overhead light. The only alternative until now was to purchase a very expensive photographic lightbox for backlight which is dangerous to operate around a wet kitchen (this is what the professional mashgichim from OU and other organizations have been using until now – however the OU has switched to recommending our bugchecker for their mashgichim because it is safer and portable).
Our product is a convenience. I think we make that pretty clear in our advertising. Since there are many ways contemporary poskim recommend checking for bugs, I suggest you ask your local posek. For more information about current standards in checking for bugs, you can look at the OU Guide for checking produce. Also the Ilowitz family has available a book in Yiddish on Bedikas Tolaim. You can also see some informative videos on checking with a lightbox on the Star-K website.
Thank you for writing. Certainly a photographic lighbox is the way most Mashgichim have been checking produce and some home owners as well. The OU and the Star-K as well as other organizations recommend using them.
The OU warns it’s mashgichim that the photographic lightbox is a hazard when used around wet produce in the kitchen. It is plugged into the electrical outlet and draws 120 volts.
Our Bug CheckerXL was designed for the home kitchen. It uses LED technology and rechargeable batteries. When plugged in with it’s charger it draws only 7 volts DC, therefore it is safe when used in “plugged in” mode or “cordless”.
We’ve also sealed the frame to the plastic backlight screen with silicone to make it water resistant.
The LED bulbs never need replacing unlike the photographic light box.
Finally, our lightboard is only 1/2″ thick and about the size of a sheet of paper, so it can easily slip into a kitchen drawer when not in use, unlike the photographic lightboxes.
Even though we designed the Bug Checker for the home kitchen, the OU informed me that they have officially switched to our lightboard for their mashgichim. The Mashgichim said that even though it’s a bit smaller and it might not be as bright, the portability allows them not to be restricted to a small corner of the commercial kitchen and when they can spread out in the banquet hall or restaurant, there checking is much better.
Also at MSRP $49.95 our product is much cheaper than the commercial lightboxes available.
Best of all, by purchasing Kosher Innovations products, it allows us to come up with great new products for the frum community.
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Kosher Fridg-eez™
First, locate the light switch on the refrigerator or freezer. Clean the area around the switch with a damp cloth. After that, dry the area thoroughly. We recommend you rub the area vigorously to remove any remaining water particles as they would interfere with the adhesive on the velcro tab.
Next position the two small velcro strips on either side of the light switch. peel the short tabs from their adhesive backing. Press firmly to the desired location and hold for at least twenty seconds. This should give the adhesive time to bond with the surface.
Try re-sticking the velcro tab to the fridge. If it won’t stay, you will need a new Fridg-eez kit or a velcro strip with an adhesive backing. If only one velcro tab has come off and you have a new Fridg-eez kit, you must first remove any of the old adhesive still stuck to the fridge. Then clean and thoroughly dry the area before applying only one new velcro tab to the same spot.

Shabbos Toothbrush
In addition to showing the prototype to our Poskim, we also showed it to a number of local dentists here in Toronto to get their feedback. The Shabbos Toothbrush is FDA approved. It is manufactured by a major toothbrush manufacturer for us using the same quality materials
The Shabbos Toothwash is private branded in the USA for us by one of the largest (publicly traded) manufacturers of natural care health products and is based on a product that has a proven track record in the industry. The factory is FDA approved. In addition the product has OU hashgacha.
The primary objective was to provide a product that can be used within the restrictions of halacha – not oral hygiene. We (and the dentists) would not recommend using the Shabbos Toothbrush and Shabbos Toothwash all week long. It will not do as good a job as a regular toothbrush. However it will leave your mouth and teeth feeling clean and fresh for Shabbos and Yom Tov. All the dentists were happy our products made it available for people to perform this minimal level or oral hygiene on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Thank you for your kind words. Rav Miller has seen and approved the Shabbos Toothbrush and Toothwash. He does not like writing written teshuvas for every shayla. For The KosherLamp™ brand shabbos lamp he did because he wanted people to know how to deal with the “muktzah” issue. For products which are much more straightforward where there is already a written body of halacha dealing with the issues such as the KosherClock or Shabbos Toothbrush he told me that people can contact him directly if they have any questions.

Shabbos Safe Warming Tray
The Shabbos Safe Hotplate top surface is brushed stainless steel. The best cleaning technique would be the following:
1) Mix baking soda and water.
2) Rest the mixture on the stained area for 15 minutes.
3) Scrub the stain using a brush or plastic scrub.
4) Rinse off the surface.
5) Pour vinegar over the stain.
6) Scrub the stain again.
7) Rinse off the vinegar.
8) Dry the steel with a towel.
The top surface of your Shabbos Safe Hotplate can be Kashered for Pesach but please consult your local Rabbi or Hallachic Authority. The unit needs to be clean, free of all food debris, stickers and or stains. If the unit is completely clean, then the stainless steel top surface can koshered by using an open flame. The top surface only needs to reach a temperature hotter than the normal operating temperature of the hotplate. Please be careful only to heat the top surface, avoid heating plastic parts directly with flame.
TechYidCo./Kosher Innovations is not responsible for damage caused by improper use of the flame. TechYidCo./Kosher Innovations is not a Halachic authority, and kashering your Shabbos Safe Hotplate should only be done by a competent Rabbi or Halachic Authority.
The Shabbos Safe Hotplate surface reaches over 230 degrees Fahrenheit and is perfect for heating up chicken and beef dishes. Yes, the wattage is lower at 280 watts, that is one of the selling points! It is very Energy Efficient as well as safer to use. The Stainless steel element alows it to reach the required temp at the lower wattage.
And also, the Israeli blechs would never get hallachic certification by any major poskim, they are hallachic bishul (the state of cooking) by most standards.
Hallachic Write up for the Shabbos Safe Hotplate.
The Shabbos Safe Hotplate is permitted to be used on Shabbos.
Classic use of the hotplate is for foods that are already cooked and need to remain hot for Shabbos. When such foods are placed on the stove before Shabbos, they require a blech, or cover over the flame.
The Shabbos Safe hotplate does not require a blech. The Shabbos Safe unit only has one setting and there is no method for changing the temperature. Additionally, the heating element is mounted by a metal framework to the bottom housing. There is a one inch gap of internal airspace between the heating element and the surface of the hotplate. Thus, the surface acts as the blech.
Another use of the hotplate is to place fully cooked, dry foods on the hotplate, on Shabbos. The Shabbos Safe hotplate’s surface heat is easily depleted since it is not in direct contact with the heating element, making hallachic bishul inefficient and difficult. Multiple tests have shown that the Shabbos Safe hotplate cannot efficiently cook food, if at all. Thus, in a manner specified by Halacha, one may use the Shabbos Safe hotplate for warming fully cooked, dry foods.